Re: Heard the Klipschorn's today

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on January 06, 2004 at 14:54:20:

In Reply to: Heard the Klipschorn's today posted by hurdy_gurdyman on December 12, 2003 at 00:38:59:

Were these driven by solid state? IMHO, only high quality SETs should be used with Khorns. They are very quick to reveal upstream problems and third order distortions by solid state stuff will be emphasized.
In fact, if the setup has so-so solid state upstream with poor cables, they would probbaly sound like other speakers, or maybe even much worse. But if you have a clean SET amp, good cables and a clean source...OHHH my.

I have a pair of Khorns from they still have alnico magnets...though in horns i am not sure how important that is.
I have to say I am EXTREMELY satisfied with them. While they are a pain to move and to set up, they are well worth it. I can get GIANT sound using my 2 watt zen se84C (which is of course amazingly clear & detailed). My cables are transparent plus (which are amazingly ahem transparent). Now all i need to do is upgrade the source...sigh. saving up for a DAC. Will probbaly get one this summer.
Overall....these speakers are highly detailed and very very fast. I can actually hear my midfi CD players' shortcomings now (i have a NAD c541i & a sony XA20ES)
....esp. after i recently upgraded the speaker cables & ICs. I would say that Khorns are a work of genius. I take my hat off to Mr. Paul Klipsch. In the brochure, he writes that these are the finest speakers money can buy, so he clearly liked them! ANother testimony: they have been around since 1948! Even the Quad ESLs have not been around that long, and stereophile editors drool over those!
If you go to audioreview and read reviews on khorns, you'll maybe see why so many people like them.
PS Did i mention i love my khorns?


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