Re: Check out Linkwitz

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on January 04, 2004 at 23:01:26:

In Reply to: Re: Check out Linkwitz posted by wunhuanglo on January 04, 2004 at 20:05:25:

The Di pole design cuts back on second harmonic distortion primarily. I'm not an expert in these regards so for the hard dry facts you need to work with the pocket protecters! As always theres no free lunch, meaning your not going to get 30hz, 100db and 1 cubic foot all in the same speaker. Like I said the biggest advantage here is to get very low distortion using 'lesser' quality drivers that would cost a fraction of a single 'good' driver. It also seems possible to have a little more bottom end from this arrangment too.

The best bang for the buck drivers that came to mind would be an Eminance Delta12LF. There are some Pioneer drivers I have used in 10" that are in th 20 -30 range. These would also be great drivers.

The feelings I got from poking around would be to slot load the drivers. With the two driver facing each other and a slot for an opening. This could be just a simple bottom section to a cabinet with a mid and horn built into the top. Like your jbl driver on the VOT. You can even corner load the slot for room boundry gains.

Olsen did some work with two driver in a few different arrangements. This is similar to Isobaric, but perhaps not in the true sense. Again, more of an engineers reference in needed here. This sure isnt anything new. Actually, it's all been done before! Just another version as we move on. I dont have any thing on paper that you can build from. If memory serves There are drawings and dimensions around at a few places and the dimensions can be changed for the spec on the drivers your using.



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