I understand a little bit better now!

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Posted by spkrman57 [ ] on March 30, 2005 at 13:01:41:

In Reply to: Re: Directivity Index, Collapsing DI, etc. posted by Wayne Parham on March 29, 2005 at 15:45:32:

I wonder why I like the round horns vs the 40 X 90 horns. I think it is because I listen off-axis to the round horns in a small room and they sound quite nice and present a very nice "3-D" imaging.

With the 40 X 90 horns in a small room, I find a tad bit too much of upper midrange that seems to take over the music.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that with directional type horns you can set them up to better present the soundstage you like best. With the 40 X 90 horns, they spread across the soundstage to where you on off-axis less often.



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