Re: Favorite flavors

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on January 26, 2005 at 21:54:45:

In Reply to: Re: Favorite flavors posted by Earl Geddes on January 26, 2005 at 21:36:00:

We have come to an agreement. I agree with your last post completely.

The larger the room, the more its corners act like a pure eighth-space. That's why I would look at room modes and launch boundary separately.

At any rate, this has been a lively discussion and I appreciate your input.

I had hoped to have a discussion about various speakers and horn flare types, not so much a debate about room corners. We could look at monopoles, dipoles and horns. We could look at simple horns like round megaphones with conical, exponential or tractrix flares. We could look at radial shapes and early CD's like the Manta-Ray. We could also look at more modern CD's like Peavey's Quadratic throat horn and some of the things you're doing too. Maybe we'll have to start a new thread and talk about those things.

This discussion tended to get stuck on the energy patterns caused by room modes. So maybe it would be nice to start a thread about room layout. That would be a good topic for the Studio Room forum, since it's really a matter of room acoustics. We could discuss radiator placement and the use of acoustic devices like bass traps. Or maybe better yet, talk about the use of multiple radiators to combat nulls. So one of these times soon, lets start a thread in the Studio Room forum to discuss these kinds of things and offer some concrete solutions instead of minutia.

Again, it's been a good talk and I appreciate your comments.


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