Re: Suggestions for replacement driver for buddies DJ rig

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Posted by GraemeG [ ] on December 01, 2004 at 17:29:03:

In Reply to: Suggestions for replacement driver for buddies DJ rig posted by mikebake on December 01, 2004 at 16:43:48:

Bit of a look and quick modelling reveals :
The B&C 18PZB46 (PE 294-674) looks a good candidate due to its Xmax figure, although just outside the price range.

The box WILL have to be retuned as tuning is mainly a function of the port. The size of the Peavey box extends the low end of the B&C somewhat. From what I can tell with the photo of the Peavey, you can cut the port out to the bottom of the cabinet (keep same port width) and box it in with timber to a depth of 276mm (10.9"). This opens the port to minimise port noise associated with higher power and retunes it to around 38Hz. The response shows -3dB around 34Hz, with full power available, and a small hump at 40Hz. Should kick.



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