Driver parameter shifts on horns

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Posted by Ralph [ ] on September 11, 2004 at 13:55:10:

I am doing some research and I think I've learned just enough to be dangerous. I understand driver parameters are shifted by the cabinet and/or horn but don't know how to determine the shift on a horn. Understanding a sealed box rear chamber is pretty easy, but what if the a back horn, transmission line or vented rear chamber is used? Speaker tuning becomes more complex and there's more to it than reactance annulling. Maybe it is best to tune the back horn or rear chamber broadly so it is insensitive to driver parameter shifts?

How do you determine the shift in driver Fs and Qms (or CMS, RMS amd MMD with air load) when a driver is mounted on a horn? Must T/S specs be measured with the driver mounted on the horn or is there a way to calculate them?


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