Not all that weird

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Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice [ ] on August 21, 2004 at 12:10:21:

In Reply to: i admit karlson are wierd posted by gazzamongo on August 20, 2004 at 12:07:50:

A Karlson is simply a series tuned dual chamber reflex, though the funky exponential port on the front chamber makes it appear to be something more complex than that. Even Karlson himself didn't really know what it was he'd created, understandably so since it predated T/S by some 15 years or so. He called it a horn, which it clearly is not. He also made some claims for its frequency response that were optimistic at best, questionable at least.

With music program it isn't bass light, for the simple reason that with music program the greatest amount of bass energy lies from 60 to 100 Hz, and in that zone a Karlson loaded with a 15L works quite well, though a 15B would be a bit better, and an E140 better still. It's enjoys a following as an electric bass cabinet for just that reason. Where it falls short is in HT use, where there can be a lot of effect content in the 30-60 Hz range, and with a low Qts/high Fs MI driver it just doesn't work well down there. With some tuning it could be interesting with a modern sub driver.


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