Re: Huygen's Principle...

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Posted by spnman [ ] on August 07, 2004 at 11:51:05:

In Reply to: Re: Huygen's Principle... posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on August 07, 2004 at 09:13:23:

So how many theoretical physics labs have you worked in, Bill? Never heard of the Fitzmaurice principle, must have missed it in my undergrad days. Geesh, give me a break!

"The main principle Huygens is famous for, at least as far as folded horns is concerned, is the topology of a 45 degree reflector, as you state."

Huh? Huygens is known for pendulum motion, centrifugal force, gravity and wave motion. He is famous for a lot of things.

"However, a rounded bend, and not just a rounded bend but one with a rounded inner corner of relatively wide radius compared to the wavelength being passed, ideally allows the wave to pass without being reflected at all."

A large bass horn is many wavelengths across at midrange so inside walls are reflectors. Midrange sound bounces all around in there. Get a clue.


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