My headphone amp for my bass

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Posted by SirPoonga [ ] on February 17, 2005 at 12:15:42:

Just sharing with you guys. I made a headphone amp for my bass based on the Ruby schematic with bassman mods from

I made some recording, however they are old. I will have to try and make new ones. I just found out my pbass's electronics were wired incorrectly. The tone cap was going between the volume pot and the tone pot, not between the tone pot and ground lke it is suppose to. It sounds much better now that my bass has better tone control

Maybe you guys would know. One thing I would like to do is add a CD AUX jack that is basically a pass through so I can hook my CD player to this and listen to music and play along. The problem is this is a mono amp. On the output jack I just have a jumper wire to output to left and right speakers. If I do a straight pass through the CD output will get converted to mono. Anyway to keep the CD player output in stereo without having to make a dual channel amp?


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