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Posted by granch [ ] on July 29, 2007 at 13:32:27:

In Reply to: BEST OF BREED posted by madhatter on October 27, 2006 at 06:28:32:

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread (to coin a phrase). Nevertheless, are you guys sure you are all talking about the same things - namely noise-canceling (NC) headphones? Sometimes it doesn't sound like you are. I've never tried a pair of any NC phones, but I also hear alarm bells when I read categorical, across the board condemnations of serious mfrs like Bose. Sounds like some of you should have joined in the suit by Bose against Consumer reports - which it won. Aside from their well-known biases against certain manufacturers, the main thing I have against CR is that the more I know about a particular product, the less I agree with them. Anyway, I would expect that Bose would make a phone that cancels noise very well. In fact they now make two different models of NC phones. I would not expect either of them to be "super-fi" judged solely as a headphone. The greatest headphones in the world, in my estimation, are the STAX Clasic Models, but as for NC, they rate zero zero zilch.


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