Re: Wireless headphones and "WAF"

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Posted by rickcr42 [ ] on February 19, 2004 at 15:05:37:

In Reply to: Wireless headphones and "WAF" posted by Wayne Parham on December 09, 2003 at 15:11:51:

if mainly for watching TV and for videos you might want to look into the FreeSystems X-Dreams I.R headphones

while the transmission system is infra red they use a patented digital system and this is the very same system Grado Labs chose to use as thier cordless headphone interface (never released though i have seen the protoype)

This digital system eliminates a lot of the noise inherent to most cordless headphones so as long as there is line of sight to the transmitter the signal remains clean

The headphones look a bit strange going by the pictures and look to be heavy but neither is the case . Very comfortable to wear for long periods of time ,unlike some sealed cans that heat up and not THAT bad to look at in the flesh

Sound is not up there with the best if you are looking for the nth degree of resolution and detail but they seem to my ears to be voiced perfectly for DVDs,a little fat and just a touch bright

not edgy bright or boomy but just enough to add some "sizzle" and "oomph" to movie viewing special effects

check them out if you are still looking

reviews :

BTW-I had these in my home for about three weeks for the purpose of doing a review for head-fi but after i sent them back I had a major hard drive failure and lost everything so I decided not to publish from memory (like here)but wanted to do it directly from my notes

it was not to be

also-never did get the usb link to work , the software ,at least then , was very buggy

website :

hope this helps


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