Re: Wireless headphones and "WAF"

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Posted by Lonesatyr [ ] on December 30, 2003 at 12:40:54:

In Reply to: Wireless headphones and "WAF" posted by Wayne Parham on December 09, 2003 at 15:11:51:

Not for anything, Wayne, but why don't you simply move your listening out of the bedroom completely. Even when listening to headphones, I prefer to be able to get up, turn on a light, change the music once in a while, grab something out of the fridge, etc. Besides, I've not yet met a wife that would tolerate even headphone listening in the bedroom.

(Tried to post under Lonestar, but your server keeps saying I entered the wrong password. I'd already posted once using the password and subseqeunt replies don't have a password box to fill!)


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