Re: Favorite speakers

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Posted by Philip Ruetz [ ] on July 24, 2004 at 13:55:46:

In Reply to: Re: Favorite speakers posted by Wayne Parham on July 24, 2004 at 11:02:57:

Yeah, I really love this 2x12 cab of mine. It was a gift from my uncle a few years back. A guy in Akron built it for him some years ago, as a kind of experiment. It's a ported Thiele design. From what I understand, the guy built a couple more just like it ... and eventually one of them got into the hands of Dr. Z. Apparently, the good Dr. closely modeled his 2x12 cabinet after this design. Pretty neat!

Before my uncle kindly donated this cabinet to me, I struggled for years with building amps and trying to get them to sound good. The only cabinet I had was an old Fender 1x15" open-back combo cab with a generic Fender 15" in it. That sounded OK ... but it was pretty flat and "blah" sounding.

If I had to get a new cab at a good price, I would definitely go for one of the horizontal 2x12 Avatar cabs, probably with Vintage 30s. Lots of rave reviews of all the Avatar cabs.




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