Marshall DSL50 v DSL100

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Posted by Al [ ] on May 23, 2005 at 14:43:05:

Can anyone give me the benefit of their experience. At present I am using a Marshall 100DFX with a 1960 4x12 cab. I wish now to purchase a valve amp. I am torn as whether to buy the Marshall DSL 50 or the Marshall DSL 100. I use the Boss GT6 processor which is great. The band I am with generally play medium sized venues and the cabs are generally miked through the house PA. I am tempted to go for the bigger one but I have heard that the 50watt model can give a better sound, I am worried that the smaller amp will give me problems in the future as the band is on the up and will soon be playing bigger venues, or should I play safe and go for the 100watt model. Will the fact that I use the GT6 make any difference to my choice. Thanks in anticipation


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