Re: Marshall AVT150 second-hand or MG100HDFX + MG412A 120 Watt cabinet

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Posted by Casey [ ] on May 14, 2005 at 18:46:59:

In Reply to: Re: Marshall AVT150 second-hand or MG100HDFX + MG412A 120 Watt cabinet posted by Casey on May 14, 2005 at 18:29:33:

I know these valvestate technology isnt the same as tubes. It's a mixture of the two technologies: the tubes are used in the pre-amp section as the solid state is used in the circuitry to create the tube tone as it was created only by tubes.
I don't know if this valvestate technology is obviously better than tubes, but the truth is that this is a more modern technology. And due to the fact that we all need to look forward I'm really doubting what to do. I mean everything gets better because time causes the technology to progress so one time there has to be developed something better than tubes and maybe now it's time the valvestate technology will take over the tubes.


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