Re: Over Dwell the reverb surf pan

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Posted by Damir [ ] on May 03, 2005 at 12:48:15:

In Reply to: Over Dwell the reverb surf pan posted by walters on April 30, 2005 at 01:55:37:

I never had the unit, and can`t help more then to refer you to the book "A desktop reference of hip vintage guitar amp" by Gerald Weber, there`s one little chapter in it "Juice up that 6G15 Fender reverb", pages 150-156. Maybe you can find it somewhere? In short, author suggests to try some "tricks", for example, changing the 12AT7 tube to 12AX7, reccomends RCA 6K6GT tube, mechanical inspection/fixing of the spring tank, and some mods...


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