Re: Phase shifters and Phlangers

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Posted by Chris R [ ] on April 20, 2005 at 17:49:32:

In Reply to: Re: Phase shifters and Phlangers posted by Wayne Parham on December 16, 2004 at 01:29:44:

About these things, at one point I had a Ibanez (think so) analog delay box
for guitar. It had a dry and delayed output. In one mode,
you set up a fairly short delay and modulated the delay time slowely. If
you hooked both outputs to a stereo, the chours effect was really
nice. It was BBD based, so it was rather noisy, but cool none the
less. I've still have a Boss CE-1 (or-2) that quit working years ago.
I've looked inside but couldn't see how it worked. Come to think
of it, now that I have a 'scope I should try again.


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