guitar amp functioning

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Posted by Karel Lootens [ ] on March 30, 2005 at 04:31:14:


I'm just after buying an acoustic amp, it's a bogey ac30r. probably isn't worth too much, but it's a step upward from where I come from anyways. It's a secondhand so it didn't come with a manual.

can anyone tell me what all the dials are for? it has delay (which sounds like an echo to me, with speed and depth... kinda figured that one out) what is chorus actually? it sounds like feedback, but i'm not sure how to set it. and there is a notch dial as well. it changes the sound a bit, but I cant pinpoint what it actually does, it has a span from 60Hz to 1KHz. I thought it was going to be a highpass filter, but setting it to 1KHz sounds lower (could be wrong tho)
is the notch coupled to the chorus?

I have pretty much figured out the rest of the dials, but it would be great to understand how everything works.

thanks in advance,


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