lower mu...

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on March 14, 2005 at 06:05:33:

In Reply to: Re: throw another preamp on the fire, boys! posted by Forty2wo on March 13, 2005 at 21:22:02:

Nope, you have it. A few more LED's will be all. More current is a 'tweak' level of change. 6 or so LED's and another socket will be all that is required.

You'll be pulling a little bit more heater current. Still going to be 12.6, but at 0.6 A instead of 0.5 A. Some tweaking of the R's in filament supply might be needed if you want exactly 12.6. 12-13 ought to be fine IMO...

The 12B4's are mu 6.5 and until you increase heater current or get octal valves, it is the best. Maybe the best without caveats.


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