hello Douglas! Re: hi Damir and all

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Posted by Wlee [ ] on February 27, 2005 at 09:17:00:

In Reply to: Re: hi Damir and all posted by Tnuctipun on February 25, 2005 at 06:01:06:

hi Douglas,

Are you the Sec-7G in AA?

Yes, it seemed that people here are friendly and can understand each other!

I just pull out a FLuke scope meter I bought from Ebay 6 months ago and play around with it. The last time I used a scope was in the Uni 25 years ago... Boy am I so old already now??
I do tweak a lot on tubes and SS amps and DVD player audio board. Too lazy to build a new amp from scratch and that's way I hope to see if tehre is any project here I could participate.
I do collect vintage amps, tuner, and R2R decks, and try to make them sound good....
Now I hope to play with CCS after denying it for some time. I consideration was that they are mainly SS and it is sort of dynamics balancing of current and voltages.... wouldn't it introduce noises and oscilation to the amp.

Best rgds

William Lee


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