Re: 5V CT rectifier hookup - help

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on February 25, 2005 at 18:10:36:

In Reply to: Re: 5V CT rectifier hookup - help posted by Forty2wo on February 25, 2005 at 14:47:09:

Been out salvaging some old broadcast stuff. Heavy and bulky...

On to your question. You can either hook the choke input leg up to the CT or you can leave it be( disconnected, but insulated and secured ) and hook the choke up directly to the cathodes of the rectifier.

See Damir's drawing for the 5V ( 5V4, 5AR4, 5R4...)and 6CA4 9-pin connections. If you stillhave questions, I'll be about.


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