Makin' progress

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on February 24, 2005 at 22:46:26:

First, let me say that Heyboer iron is a pain to work with. There is no graceful way to flip the chassis back and forth. Add to that the choke and RS Tx and we're talking some serious weight being not so easily manipulated.

I have everything mounted: jacks, IEC, power switch, tube sockets, all the iron, heater power and CCS. Nothin' left to do except get a volume control and wire the ground and a few LEDs. Oh yeah, I have got to figure out where that massive cap is going. Could we possibly use a bigger one one the amps?

I should be up and running Saturday night. So, if you should get a call in the wee hours of the morning, it's me. Pictures coming soon.....Colin


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