Some thoughts... :-)

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Posted by Damir [ ] on February 19, 2005 at 14:53:17:

In Reply to: amp design... posted by Tnuctipun on February 19, 2005 at 13:58:30:

-there`s no sense in cheap, low power compromises designed with bad parts (OPT and PT MUST be good, even chokes, etc.). To find "the best value for the money" is a good route.
-simple design, but without compromises (huh?)
-we can specify, say Raa=8k OPT of your choice (and give some suggestions, especially if someone has good experience with some product). But, PT specifications are somewhat harder, let`s say 360-0-360V/0,2A, etc. But, it`s hard to reccomend some PT without testing it - Rw and quality can be very different, for example some PT can have magnetic coupling between the windings, heats a lot, radiate magnetic fields 3m in the left, etc. Then, maybe is a good idea to follow "Guinevere/Heyboer" route - custom PT, test, prototipe - then project. Huh...
-Parts - we are DIY-ers. We don`t need super-exclusive-hard to find tubes. Everybody needs 6SN7 - we don`t, when there are many 7N7, 14N7, 12SN7, 6J5GT, etc. - for example. I think that`s self-understandable, but just in case...:-)
-Upgrades - hmm... I think, let`s do it "right" for the first time, like "Guinevere V2.0", and skip the (too)simple V1.0. But, we can left the room for expansion (this "RIAA" thing, for example). What can I try to say - it`s no sense to build 6V6 PP amp on 250V in the hope that we`ll use KT88 some day...
Huh, I talk pretty obvious things, better to stop now...


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