Yeap, a week from Sunday

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on February 18, 2005 at 15:55:04:

In Reply to: Re: By Sunday night... posted by manualblock on February 18, 2005 at 15:17:20:

That's pretty much what I'm shooting for as well. I have a couple of resistors back ordered. I agree with John that there will be lots more questions when the solder statrs flowing. I'm not sure I quite understand everything that's going on, and I'm pretty much building off of Damir's schematics (insert GREAT BIG THANKS - I could not have hooked up the MOSFETS without your help.)

We have a lot of money invested, and the build needs to be done right. This is my first major build from a schematic, and I'm pretty nervous about making sure things go as planned. I don't want the smoke check to be that - smokin'. I think an updated BoM would be a great future reference for all. I know there are people lurking, and if you have not kept up on a daily basis, there is no way to really know what's being built. There have been subtle and not so subtle changes since this project began. And yes, my head hurts too.....Regards, Colin


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