Re: Silver Lining

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Posted by Damir [ ] on February 16, 2005 at 13:10:20:

In Reply to: Re: Silver Lining posted by Tnuctipun on February 16, 2005 at 11:19:40:

I must say that I like "overdimensioned" PTs, "Guinevere" PT is maybe more suitable for monobloc SE 2A3 amp (400V taps into LCLC gives about 310V - OK for the "classic" OP: 250V/-45V/60mA + CCS or choke loaded driver).
But, if we use another OP, say 300V/50mA/-59V, then we can (probably) make it. But, driver needs some current, and about 400V B+...
Anyway, let`s see:

Ra=(4,2*59)/0,05 - 800 = 4156 Ohms, lets say "standard" 4k, then:
Ua=(mu*Ugk)/(1+rp/Ra) = 146Vrms, and:

Available current swing give us the power: Pa=Ia^2*Ra=5W

And Raa = 2Ra=8k, Paa=10W - losses are about 10-15%, and we can expect max. power Pout~8,5W.

If we use higher, more "relaxed" load Raa=10k (lower distortion, higher DF, but lower power), we can expect about Pa=9,1W, and Pout~7,7W. Not bad (theoretically)?


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