Re: PCB for the CCS

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Posted by Damir [ ] on February 15, 2005 at 13:12:51:

In Reply to: Re: PCB for the CCS posted by manualblock on February 15, 2005 at 11:15:02:

Who needs them?:-) Large part of this hobby is pleasure when you build something all by yourself - allright, "home made" PCB probably won`t looks too proffesional, but so what?
You can buy PCBs in electronic store, adjust dimensions of the little board and traces to your components (little planning in 1:1 on the paper), clean the Cu, then with alcohol-marker draw the traces, and paint them with your favorite nail-polish (avoid glittering one, just ordinary :-)). Buy Fe-III-Chlorid christals (el. store, too), put them in the PVC glass of water, put the board in and wait. "Mix up" a little, it can last a few hours - but then the unprotected Cu "go away", clean the lacquer with polish remover (acetone). Use ~0,9mm bore, few holes and that`s it. Use rubber gloves. Check the traces before and after soldering on little particles and dirt between the traces. Good luck!


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