Re: Cheap source for R3?

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on February 06, 2005 at 06:17:50:

In Reply to: Cheap source for R3? posted by colinhester on February 05, 2005 at 23:12:26:

One of the 10 or 15 turn cermet trim pots from Mouser is what I suggest. They do not need to be very robust, and are perhaps $2 each.

Mike Percey sells a high performance bulk-foil version. I have not tried this yet, but would buy a few when next ordering from him.

For this sort of small signal work, I prefer to stay away from parts with that much stray inductance( wire-wound=inductive coil ). Stray capacitance is also higher with such designs( I suspect, no absolute confirmation, but it does generally follow ).

Stray stuff is begging to contribute to an oscillator circuit. We are trying to avoid creating an oscillator, remember?


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