Re: autoformer Iron?

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Posted by Damir [ ] on January 30, 2005 at 11:32:45:

In Reply to: autoformer Iron? posted by Tnuctipun on January 30, 2005 at 10:17:41:

Hi, do you made some measurements with S-265 copy (Frequency response, Lp,...)? What about max. DC primary current? Sound?
I agree with simple design, but personally don`t like "cheap" / compromise solutions, or expensive and complicated 2W designs. I like 6L6 "family" too, but 807 needs top cap...
Maybe 6B4G, NOS is not too expensive (but not cheap, either), and Russian version is good. But, DHT, not so easy to drive and we`ll end with ~7W...enough?
Or "bite the bullet" and do PP 300B, Raa=10k seems just right. Again, DHT, not easy to drive (more complicated splitter/driver needed), but ~15W DHT triode A-class is attractive:-)
Maybe for the begining use simple, but versatile and good solution - amp with individual bias per tube, UL or triode, that can "accept" various tubes, say EL34, 6L6GC, KT66, 6550...
And later in phase 2 amp with more "exotic" (300B) tubes?
Just some thoughts...


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