Re: mmmhhh!...cake-pan amp!

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Posted by Forty2wo [ ] on January 23, 2005 at 13:04:51:

In Reply to: mmmhhh!...cake-pan amp! posted by Tnuctipun on January 23, 2005 at 09:24:55:

Hi Douglas,
The Nickel wonder is not ready for tube rolling yet. First Jim McShane is selling 6j6's for the princely sum of .50, so I bought the asortment pac.
The problem is the power supply is woefully inadequate. I bought the $12 Allied Transformer. and I got what I payed for. even moveing it to the outside of a steel box has not compleatly cured the 60hz hum.
That's what I get for not, breadboarding it first...John


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