Re: Resistor wattage specs?

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on January 22, 2005 at 21:02:51:

In Reply to: Resistor wattage specs? posted by colinhester on January 22, 2005 at 19:42:34:

Hey-Hey!!! R1,2,and 4 are the anti-oscillation dampers. 1/4 watt Xicon carbon comp from Mouser. Gate/grid stoppers need to be free from parasitic properties like inductance and capacitance as is possible. Hence the carbon comp specification. I don't know of a better sol'n to this requirement, and 100 of them is ~$5( here I go, spending *YOUR* money! )

I recommend a 500 R multi-turn pot instead of the 100R in the current setting position R3. Small device variation will cause dificulty in achieving a careful setting and matching of current regulation. You're going to set it and leave it( in Theory ), so durability should not be too much ov an issue. make it easy to replace if you're going to fiddle with it. And you can fiddle with it....

....damn Thrintun!


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