Re: Am I delusional? (longish)

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on November 01, 2006 at 07:45:16:

In Reply to: Am I delusional? (longish) posted by RC Daniel on November 01, 2006 at 00:08:52:

Raymond, I'd encourage you to do so. If I can offer some tips.. 1. Get ALL the parts together before you knock out the chassis. Measure twice... 2. Study good layouts from the designs of others. The biggest challenge is hum - and careful layout is key. Look at vintage amps, but don't use them as gosple. If you're doing a SET w/o feedback, hum becomes more of a problem. 3. Practice soldering. Seriously, if you can pickup an old Heathkit manual for building a bit of tube equipment, there is a nice soldering tutorial in the front of the manual (at least there was in all of them I ever saw). 4. Start by building the power supply, then routing the heater wires. This puts stuff that needs to be close to the chassis down first, so other stuff can go over the top of it easily. Twist heater wires and anything else that carries AC. 5. Try to arrange iron so the lams are at 90 degrees to each other. 6. When you power up, USE A VARIAC if at all possible!
Finally, see if there is someone in your area who is an experienced builder who might look things over while you're in progress. If you're in my area (Columbus OH), I'd be happy to help.


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