Re: Dual rectifiers

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on January 19, 2005 at 15:29:44:

In Reply to: Dual rectifiers posted by colinhester on January 19, 2005 at 13:48:29:

Perhaps you misunderstood. The 6AX4 is a single diode, and we need at least two. If it is in the same envelope, with a common cathode, like the 6CA4, or in two bottles like the 6W4/6AX4 it does not make much difference. The damper diodes are a bit cheaper. We could run 12AX4's or 12AU4's and series connect the 6.3 and 5 VAC heater windings for a little bit slower warm-up. for that matter runing a 6CA4 from the 5 V winding would also be possible.

There is also the 6AX6, but those are a bit on the rare side. 5V4GA, 6087, GZ34/5AR4, GZ33 and a few more I can't remember off the top ov my head will also work, and have the same pinout, and 5V ( and less than 3A ) heater requirement.

All these options are what I'd call overkill, as a 6X5/5X4 would do the job quite well.


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