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Posted by colinhester [ ] on December 21, 2004 at 20:39:36:

In Reply to: Re: Sure, I'll play posted by Tnuctip on December 21, 2004 at 18:59:42:

Please scan it and pass it around to those you know are interested (i.e., Wayne, Manualbloc, myself). You might want to make a general posting requesting emails for those whom are interested. Please keep the schematic as clear as possible for us new guys. I'm trusting you on this one.

If there are various concepts / variations on the power supply side, please share. How easily are they simulated in PSU Designer? (I think that's the name.) Can we just pick one PS to go through the mathematical work-up? What other parameters of the PS can be calculated and can we discuss why they are important? What should we look for in terms of sourcing parts? I would also like to see theoretical discussion, not entirely by you (way too much effort for one person,) of the signal path. I realize this is old hat for you, but there are new guys (OK, me) out there that really want to learn this stuff. If they are anything like me, hands on is a much easier way to learn.

I realize the Holidays are upon us, but I think we can start some of the "thought experiments" anytime......Colin


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