me too

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on April 18, 2005 at 20:13:16:

In Reply to: I'm with you posted by colinhester on April 17, 2005 at 16:15:35:

you know I hate this level of required activity. I shudder( sometimes ) to consider what full time work will be like again...

Sorry about the required complexity. It is not all that bad( POV dependant ). There's lots of bits, but I think the operation is still fairly simple. The grid choke can be done away with for IDH valves like 6L6's( and of course the DH factor as well ). to build this with 6L6GC, the Svetlana offering or the Groove tubes KT66 come to mind are quite aceptable simplifications.

Or 807's...and then leave room for filament and grid Iron and not have to get anode caps to run HY69's...

This would get rid of the filament complexities, and save the space equal to a Dynaco Z565 OPTs when dealing out the grid Iron.

I like PP for a few reasons, one being PS requirements. Single L-C filter is acceptable for this design. For the 6L6 amp, a re-issue of the Dynaco Mk.III power Iron from Triode Electronics or Hammond similar looks good. L-C filter to yeild low 300's of B+...

Or, if you're feeling ten feet tall and covered with Hair, just buiild from the ground up with a 1kV B+ and run 813's!


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