Posted by mike.e [ ] on June 14, 2004 at 01:04:31:
You know after the previous filesharing/kazaa discussion here...
I was thinking
-Sharing of wide variety of new music is great
-When i have downloaded songs,i have got the cds OR
-When i have downloaded songs and dont buy,i get rid.
-Downloading full,high quality songs,is wrong ofcourse.
-Buying Songs ,one by one,so that you only get the ones u want,is good.Few companys do this.
-p2p brings fun stuff,like really old blackadder tv shows,or tv shows from the 80s...oddball stuff that normally isnt around.
-Certainly the music industry isnt optimal if u arent into pop music!
I think that theres 2 sorts of people
-low number mp3domestic >100
-high number mp3 hardcore >1000 songs even up to 30,000songs (found on irc channels)
Which will do the more damage?!
Personaly i have no problem with kazaa and p2p,if the mp3s are of low quality that its still worth buying the cd,,
eg keep the rate to radio quality, 56-96kbps
But the fact is mp3s there are often full length,128k or higher(which is still relatively bad quality,but quite sufficient for pc speakers)
Some one likened downloading mp3s for awhile then later deleting,as to stealing a ferrari and giving it back later..
I disagree,its more like borrowing a 1981 lada ,then later buying the ferrari
Just some thoughts.
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