Re: Dave Cope and his slide show

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Posted by DRCope [ ] on May 18, 2007 at 09:43:28:

In Reply to: Dave Cope and his slide show posted by bill epstein on May 16, 2007 at 13:35:29:

Hi Bill,

Shucks, thanks man!

It's not that hard once you get into habit and have several shows/years practice. It doesn't hurt to have a DSLR, (it's not just more pixels, it's also lower noise), off camera flash and/or bounced flash and/or diffused flash.

The computer work is made easy by Adobe Lightroom which is (finally) a tool for photographers, not special effects people.

Dang, just gave away all the secrets.

If you, or any of the exhibitors, want to use any of the pictures, please feel free.


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