Re: More Positive Feedback coverage: Check this out

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Posted by 3moons [ ] on May 11, 2007 at 09:29:34:

In Reply to: More Positive Feedback coverage: Check this out posted by akhilesh on May 10, 2007 at 20:50:55:

Hi Akhilesh,
The Jim Rivers Room? How embarrassing! It was just one of two Dallas Audio Club rooms. There actually was gear from other Dallas Audio Club members in there. Thanks for your great review and all else you've done. Can't wait till another gathering. jim...

OK, OK, I can't stand it. I have to pass along this bad joke that just popped into my head. Akhilish, do you consider the weakest link in your audio system to be your Akhilesh Tendon? 8:-) jim...


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