Re: Review of the i84 amp by Vista Audio

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on March 29, 2007 at 11:40:33:

In Reply to: Review of the i84 amp by Vista Audio posted by akhilesh on March 24, 2007 at 21:40:50:

Nice review excpet for when reviewers make dumb statements like:
"At one point, a friend brought over a Sophia Baby amplifier, and we compared it to the i84. The difference in power output was obvious, as the Sophia needed to be turned nearly to maximum to get anywhere close to the volume that the i84 achieved at 9 o'clock. The midrange was a tossup, with the Sophia producing a softer, more rounded tone." You would think that someone who does reviewing on a regular basis would understand that the position of the volume control is only an indication of the gain of the amp, for a given output level, and not an indication of the available power of the amp.


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