Re: Positive Feedback Online

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Posted by hurdy_gurdyman [ ] on December 25, 2006 at 07:46:37:

In Reply to: Re: Positive Feedback Online posted by Shane on December 24, 2006 at 09:55:40:

I'm a professional musician (semi-retired now) and audiophile. I became both audiophile and beginning musician around age 12. They went hand in hand with each other.
I have known musicians who are real picky about their stage equipment and don't seem interested in playback equipment. I've also known about as many that are. Many of them became more interested when they started having recordings of themselves and their bands made. I think the spreading popularity of home recording studios and small local studios may have a lot to do with so many local bands getting recordings done these days. Hearing them played at the studio on decent monitors and then going home and playing them on a typical department store system made many musicians start investigating better systems. I've noticed many local musicians now having home stereos that are much better than the typical musician had a decade ago. Maybe most haven't got into it to the point of trying tube amps and single driver speakers, as this isn't the hobby part of their musical interests, but they are a lot pickier than they used to be. I see it as spreading a bit more amoung musicians every year as more of them become exposed to good sounding systems and more are getting recordings made.

As a side note, one of the best local guitar players I know (he played in a band in the Vegas circuit a few years ago) has a high end stereo with a Counterpoint tube amp and Green Mountian Diamante speakers. Very nice sounding rig!



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