Audio Note at Lone Star?

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Posted by DRCope [ ] on November 01, 2006 at 08:37:13:

In Reply to: Re: Rocky Mountain Audiofest: This visitor's thoughts posted by 3moons on November 01, 2006 at 08:29:21:

Yes, as is too often the case, truly soul-satisfying performance was only achieved on the last day, when crowds were thinnest. The vinyl charge, led by the IO1 and the juicy tubes (almost) made me sorry the show was coming to a close.

I plan for us to do the Lone Star Shindig, and I'd like Audio Note Kits to take a room as well. You guys can help by writing Brian Smith, major domo of kitdom and inviting, imploring, etc, him to do the show. I think it would be great for the kit biz and the show attendees as well. I'd like to hear some of the new kits myself!


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