To The Monitor Of This Website:

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Posted by Vinylly [ ] on October 08, 2006 at 13:34:44:

Just out of curiosity, and I know you most likely don't care what goes on at a competing website, -BUT, is there a personal animosity between this website and
It seems I made two posts for the first time yesterday on this site with a simple but straightforward inquiry, thinking that some of the members there might also post here and could possibly have an explanation as to why they were out of commission for several days. As you can see there was no malace intended.
It seems whenever I post your website over there, my posts are deleted, when I inquired as to the reason why, -now all my posts are deleted and I am apparently banned from there. I also know that you should not care how monitors of other websites behave, - but, did I step into something I didn't know about between the two of you?
Perhaps I shouldn't have used the same monikar, so how can I go about changing it?


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