Re: Hey MB, why guitar players know what sounds good

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 19, 2006 at 08:44:14:

In Reply to: Hey MB, why guitar players know what sounds good posted by Leland Crooks on September 19, 2006 at 07:04:56:

Where we need to look for this is in the obvious question of exactly how and why any particular sound becomes imprinted.
You had to hear that sound at some beginning point and say, " Hey; I like that sound." Considering that there are sounds that everyone agrees are good; then how did they all come to that conclusion?
The initial conditions dictate that imprinting is a flawed hypothesis. Becuase when did the imprinting start and why is that particular sound so enticing to you and many others? Were you all imprinted at the same time?
My question is exactly how and whhen did this imprinting process begin?
Like I said it is a chicken and egg quandry. Not as simple as it appears on first examination.


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