Re: Lone Star Bottleheads - Sunday, Sept 10th

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Posted by FredT [ ] on September 05, 2006 at 06:10:34:

In Reply to: Re: Lone Star Bottleheads - Sunday, Sept 10th posted by Wayne Parham on September 04, 2006 at 23:23:05:

Hope you can make it. For this meetng I plan to bring my latest version of the Studio One Pi tower, which includes the kits I bought from you in a 38", two cu ft tower enclosure, with upgraded crossover parts (Mills resistor, Erse 14 ga perfect lay inductor, Clarity SA cap), and bi wire speaker terminals.

I also plan to bring a pair of speaker cables I recently bought from a new seller. Compared to the Royal brand OFC cable I was using, these lift at least two or three of the proverbial veils from the treble. I was a confirmed cable agnostic until I heard these, and I never ralized how good that Vifa tweeter really is until I heard it with the Clarity cap, silver plated teflon insulated copper internal wire, and the new speaker cables.

Everybody else is invited too!


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