More on time alignment. Wayne?

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on August 31, 2006 at 08:52:16:

Hi all,

Please let me know if I am going to far on these subjects. If no one is interested just let me know.

I found the following web site that discusses time alignment in speakers. It's pretty technical and beyond my comprehension at this point. But the author came to the conclusion below. He seems to think time alignment is worth while. What do you think of this article Wayne?

"For what it's worth, I originally started this article not to praise, but to debunk the theory that time alignment is the only way a speaker should ever be designed. Having done the research, run tests, and written the article, I confess that I must agree with many (perhaps even most) of the points made by the time alignment proponents. Mind you, there is still a lot that you will hear and read that is either gross exaggeration or a downright lie, and it can be very difficult to tell the difference unless you know exactly what the real story is.

My overall opinion, based on the research for this article (primarily tests and simulations), is that time alignment is a very good thing, and perhaps all speakers should be designed this way. On the negative side, the offset required to achieve time alignment can lead to diffraction effects that may damage the sound quality far more than the misalignment. A sloped baffle means that you are always listening off axis from the drivers - not by a great deal perhaps, but off axis nonetheless. This conundrum can be resolved, and it has been by several manufacturers, each in their own way."


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