Because it gets old.

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Posted by Shane [ ] on August 22, 2006 at 22:16:40:

In Reply to: Re: Yeah, it's name calling posted by manualblock on August 22, 2006 at 21:35:05:

I don't usually speak up in these situations, but I'm gonna say a little piece then shut the hell up cause this is starting to remind me of the BS that goes on at AA.

Bashing of anyone gets real old, real quick. I really don't give a flip what this guy's done. Somehow I'm doubting his influence has caused much serious damage in the world. He sure hasn't affected me, cuz I never heard of him till this week. People seem to be way to tied up in "he said, she said" or whatever. If you can hear or think you can hear differences in cables, then good for you. I can tell the difference between my RS junkers and my Zu's. The first minute was the deciding factor. If I can't hear something right away then it isn't there for me as far as I'm concerned. If something someone else does or says works for you, good deal. If it doesn't, then you agree to disagree and move on.

If people have a problem with someone, especially the way they present themselves, then it seems to me that it's better not to respond in the same manner as the person that's getting complained about. Guts has nothing to do with stating an opinion most of the time. I know people that give thier opinion without any regard to what they said at all. To each thier own I guess. Sometimes people are just having a bad day.

Let me clarify that I have absolutely nothing against Damir or anyone else that doesn't like Aczel. Damir has always been a moderate person as far as I can tell, and he has always answered my stupid newbie tube questions with a clarity and patience that I am most grateful for, and he has more knowledge about audio than I'll probably ever have. So has Manualblock, and Akhilesh, and Bill, and Wayne, etc.......Everyone has always been helpful to me without exception.

Seems like when everyone has said their opinion and maybe explained why they believe what they do, it's time to let it die before the arguments begin. Petty bickering is completely non-productive and life is entirely too short for such nonsense IMHO.

My grandma always said to speak your piece, but not if you don't have something decent to say. You can disagree without being rude, mean, or spiteful.

Ok, I'm done.


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