Re: Ok, here are my thoughts on Peter Aczel and the Audio Critic Mag.

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Posted by bill epstein [ ] on August 22, 2006 at 11:10:36:

In Reply to: Ok, here are my thoughts on Peter Aczel and the Audio Critic Mag. posted by Mr Vinyl on August 22, 2006 at 08:56:14:

I will now respond to these lies with some of my own.......,

1.Different cable geometries do sound different from each other but not enough to survive more than a few minutes of "break-in", i.e., your brain processing the sound to conform to what sounds/feels good to you. Eventually, bad sounds good.

2. Tube amplifiers present, in general, different frequency response as to type, than transsitor amps. The differences in FR here are large enough to survive a great deal of "break-in".
2A. Topologies are much more audible than differences in driver tubes which have more audible differences than power tubes.
2B. Solid State Class "A" sounds quite different from Class *.* others

3. Digital sounds different from Analog. Waaay different frequency response and signal-to-noise and no amount of familiarity can cause one to sound like another. I don't have a preference for either. They both sound good in different ways when done right.

4.Blind testing is bad? It isn't possible to pick out differences in components with proper blind testing?
Where did Aczel do his military service? In the Artillery?

Back when I spent a lot of time at Hollywood Sound we would frequently A/B amps, pre-amps and sources w/o knowing which was "live" at the time. Not all that scientific but migosh, if you couldn't hear the difference between an Adcom and a Counterpoint or Melos or Conrad-Johnson ......

5. I agree with Aczel here, but like a lot of generalities it needs to be tempered by "if properly implemented" or some such qualifier.

6. Once again, Aczel is right. "Break-in" is your brain processing sounds to conform to what it already is pre-disposed to hear as good or bad. The very first moments of sound you hear from any component are what it really sounds like.If you don't believe me. Try this experiment.

Acquire a brand new compression driver, connect it to source/amplification and listen to it just sitting on it's box. First few minutes, very strange/bad. Continue to listen for a few hours.....

7. Bi-wiring is the single most phony "mainstream" tweak. 'Nuff said.

8.Power conditioners do sound different.
See 1. above.

9.I can't hear CD treatments either. But I can SEE them on DVD's.
Go figure.

10. Since I'm home today writing this 'cause I'm drinking 8 oz's of Sodium and potassium this and that every 15 minutes preparatory to another 'scope tomorrow I'm reminded that opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

Excuse me while I go play Ass Trumpet.


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