OK here's some snake oil for ya Wayne

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Posted by Bill Wassilak [ ] on March 10, 2004 at 15:44:03:

In Reply to: Oops! posted by Wayne Parham on March 09, 2004 at 20:19:06:

>>What do you guys think of spikes?
There cool if worn with leather.

>>Do you think it helps pin the speakers to the floor?
No only people.

>>Do you use them only on hardwood floors or do some of you use them on carpeted concrete slabs?
Depends on the mosh pit.

>>What other floors would you use spikes for?
See above.

>>How about other accessories?
Not really into body piercings, but different colored hair can be cool.

>>Do you use risers for your cables?
No only people or speakers.

>>Alternative stuffing for your speakers?
Haven't used animals or dead people yet, but heard animals can be used for room treatment if you have enough of them.

>>What kinds of things like this do you think really work, and what ones do you think are nonsense?
All of the above.

Sorry couldn't help it :^)
Bill W.


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