P.T.Barnum Was Right

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 11, 2006 at 12:12:15:

There is a sucker born every minute and someone to take him. I see Peter Aczel who BTW has lost his second class Licsense to print his rag due to his inability to produce consistant issues; is back. As a cheat who reviewed in his earlier mag the Fourier Transform Loudspeakers as an independant reviewer and gave them a great review...until it was divulged by industry people that he had in fact a controlling interest in the company which he neglected to mention in the review; I am sure he will have more reviews of equipment done by his little group. Since he clearly states that all reviewers are suspect; except the ones who work for him; then I accept that he is correct about that; because he certianly is suspect, thats for sure. Sorry some audiophools give their money to support this lack of integrity and honesty. Too bad; but you know people want to hear what they want to hear and don't care a wit about whether the guy is honest or not. Thats why we have places like AA.
Sockpuppet Supreme.


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