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Posted by Duke [ ] on May 02, 2006 at 12:31:44:

In Reply to: Re: Great Plains Audio Festival in a week? Oh yeah! posted by Duke on May 01, 2006 at 00:28:06:

I just got back from inspecting the enclosures, and the workmanship is unacceptable both cosmetically and (more important) structurally. I can fix some of the structural problems but would still end up with an enclosure that I'd be embarassed to show with. While I do have another model I could show, I've decided to discontinue that model because I think I can do better. So Lori and I will not be attending the GPAF this year after all. It's too far to drive and too much cost to justify would turn into a non-business vacation. I hope ya'll understand.

I'll miss seeing you Norris, Wayne, Akhilesh, Bill, Bob, Jim, Fred, and the rest of the Round Table crew.



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