Re: AudioXpress watch

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Posted by Martin [ ] on April 06, 2006 at 10:23:59:

In Reply to: Re: AudioXpress watch posted by manualblock on April 05, 2006 at 21:42:46:

"Funny but I have pretty much the whole sries of Speaker Builder issues from the beginning in the mid-eighties and I see a lot of names that are still doing work in the field. I wonder why we don't see more of their work in the magazine."

I can't speak for other potential contributors but my experience with Speaker Builder was not positive when I first started documenting my work on TLs. So now I pay ~$100 a year for my own website and I can add or delete articles, change anything on the pages, put up new pictures, or edit one of my previously posted articles any time I want. The stuff I write is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and about 300 visits are logged each day. I get comments and questions almost daily. Why would I wait six months and waste my time with a printed magazine? Some would argue that my work would have more credibility and be more readily accepted in the Speaker community, I could not care less about this arguement. I think many people fall into this same category.

"Unfortunetly the magazine you describe appears to be the perfect DIY format. I wonder if we will ever see that level of sophistication in print ever again."

I don't agree, a forum is questions, answers, and discussions. A forum is not complete pieces of work with all of the engineering, pictures, test data, and extensive text. The printed media and the technical society journals are in direct competition with the Internet and in my opinion they are going to lose as the older contributers are replaced by younger more aggressive and impatient contributors. I consider myself an older contributor who has run out of patience with the printed media.

"What about Voice Coil; is that still extant?"

I don't know, I used to get a complimentary copy but this stopped coming a year or so ago.

"How do you think that level of technicality would play in a newstand offering?"

I think technical hobby magazines are going the way of dinosaurs. They have already lost most of the readership and contributors.


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